St. Camillus de Lellis is champion of Christian charity, who translated the compassionate love of Jesus to the sick and the poor, in a heroic manner, in his own life when Europe was facing ‘black death’ during the 16th century. He served the plague-stricken at the risk of his own life as a ‘mother would care for her only child who is sick.’ He brought light and hope, love, and compassion into the most vulnerable moments of human life. The life and ministry of St. Camillus challenge us today to heal and humanize the less fortunate millions of sick and poor around the world. Serving the sick as a physician, nurse, chaplain, technician, social worker, therapist, administrator, or other allied healthcare profession is challenging, rewarding, and vitally important work. For some men, this work is a vocation – a call to fulfill themselves by serving the sick as a member of a religious community. For these men, the common mission is the opportunity to serve the sick while growing personally and spiritually as they transcend immediate material needs and find meaning in their lives by making a difference.
The Order of St. Camillus serves in 42 countries with a total membership of about 1,100 priests and brothers around the world.
The Order is comprised of Roman Catholic priests and brothers who have existed for more than 400 years working in the healthcare field.
Camillian healthcare workers help the sick and dying so that they may feel through them the loving hand of God, even in their darkest hours.
Find out if Serving as a Priest or Brother in the Order of St. Camillus is right for you.